Any number of issues can arise on New Hampshire roadways that increase the likelihood of a collision. Then again, the exact cause of a particular crash is often not immediately apparent and may not be determined until investigators have gathered evidence and reached some conclusions about precisely what occurred. A recent collision in Kingston sent several people to the hospital with injuries.
Numerous ambulance teams were called to the scene from various counties after a recent head-on collision. The crash occurred at the junction of two roadways. The road was closed to traffic for at least an hour while rescuers provided on-site treatment to accident victims before transporting them to a nearby medical facility.
Several adults, as well as one child, suffered injuries in the collision. No details were provided regarding their conditions, only that they were taken to the hospital for emergency care. Investigators immediately set to work following the crash to look for clues and gather evidence as to what or whom may have caused the two vehicles to crash into one another.
It is not uncommon for head-on collisions to lead to litigation in a New Hampshire civil court. The law allows anyone who suffers injury because of another driver’s negligence to seek compensation for damages. Such damages often include items related to physical injuries, including pain and suffering. This type of litigation is often complex and stressful, which is why most plaintiffs ask experienced personal injury law attorneys to act on their behalf in court.